Dropping my Nets

This morning I woke up to the rain singing outside my window. It was beautiful! This southern California girl craves the rain & all the lovely things that come with it! Fun hats, rain boots, warm coats, coffee & fireplaces. Since Jonny has begun working so early, I slip back and forth between his side and mine, and then I finally pull myself out of bed. I turn on Christmas music, and shuffle down the stairs to make breakfast and read my bible.

This morning I watched steam come off my oatmeal, and was generous with the brown sugar and I sat on the couch and soaked in the morning. I cracked open my bible and my devotional. Today I started the Sermon on the Mount through She Reads Truth. This app has been a huge blessing!! Download it for free: SHE READS TRUTH. There are cool phone backgrounds, bible studies, bible verses, devotionals. The app is awesome & I highly recommend it!

Anyways as I was reading through my devotional, I was so amazed. The Lord was speaking to me through His word, and using words that He had spoken years ago, as truth to my life today.

Jesus Calls His First Disciples

18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 20 At once they left their nets and followed him.
21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, 22 and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

I am no fishermen. I have no idea what it's like. I caught a baby shark once in the Gulf of Mexico on accident while I was fishing, but that is another story.  

The truth is, I wonder what it must have been like for Peter & Andrew. Jesus asking them to drop everything and follow Him. To me, Jesus was asking them to give up the mundane for a adventurous life that would change them forever. However, they did not know this when Jesus asked them to drop their nets. They just knew that instead of fishing for fish, they would now be fishing for people. 

I tend to miss things, so I asked the Lord to make it clear to me what He was trying to teach me. 

Here's what I got:
Jesus wants me to drop my nets & follow Him. He wants me to drop my dreams, my fears, my hopes, expectations, desires and failures, for a much different life. He is calling me deeper. He is asking me to step out in faith and trust Him that His plans are much better than mine. 

The disciples saw & experienced first hand the miracles, teachings and life of Jesus. They got to live an extraordinary life, simply because they obeyed. Can you imagine what it would have been life to say " No thanks Jesus, I'm gonna stick to my fish & these nets, I'll catch up with you late down the road." I think not. 

However that is what we do. We are so afraid to drop our nets and live a life that Jesus has for us, so we stick to what we know. Some of us never experience what God has in store for us. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out on one single thing that the Lord has for me. I want all His blessings. I want His plans not mine. 

This challenged me. It encouraged me. His word inspires me. 

I text my husband the Lord revealed some amazing things to me this morning about myself. Within 5 minutes, he called me. He took 5 minutes from his busy work schedule and called me to hear my story. He rejoiced with me. It was beautiful.

I pray this encourages you. I pray that you ask the Lord to reveal to you what your "nets" are that He might be asking you to drop, so that you can live a life you never imagined. 
A life that He has planned out specifically for you. 

Be Blessed. 



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