Sayonara 2016

I just put a banana bread in the oven, and while Jonny was watching the football game, I licked the bowl clean because that's how I'm going out with 2016. No traces it was ever there.

2016 was by far the hardest year. Ever.
 It was ugly in every sense of the word. I have literally never been so excited for a new year or a fresh start as I am for 2017.  If 2016 was a fruit it would be a prune. Awful and ugly, and used for one purpose only, to flush the system clean.

Too much?

Sorry. But since you are already 2 brief paragraphs in, I will wrap up 2016 with maybe some hope for 2017.

I'm not sure what good came out of 2016, even though I am sure I will look back in 10 years and say that was the year that God literally carried me every step of the way. I always laughed at the footsteps in the sand poem.

Well no joke, there was legit only one set of footprints in 2016. His hands carrying me through every single minute, every day, to this moment right now, where I can't believe that I made it through alive.

                                                                    January 2016-
Jonny turned 28 and got diagnosed with diabetes. Happy freakin birthday babe.

Febraury 2016-
The diabetes thing really put us in a tail spin so I don't have much documentation of that month.

March 2016-
Easter and the debut of the flower crown.

April 2016-
I played in a staff wiffle ball game and realized that although I played varsity softball for 4 years, a wiffle ball and a softball are much, much different.
We had a beautiful bridal shower for my middle sister Shannon. Oh and I was skinny.

May 2016- 
I participated in eating a 5 pound burger and Lord knows I will never be the same. I also took on my first big furniture project and painted my hutch the most gorgeous shade of blue, and to this day it's still my favorite thing in our house. 

June 2016-
I went to Boston, visited my youngest sister Meg in Texas, and obviously spent my life savings at Magnolia Market. Shan got married on the hottest day Phoenix has seen in 20 years, and Jonny and I  celebrated 3 years of marriage.


July 2016- my life pretty much fell apart and I don't have much documented except that I got a 2nd degree sunburn and I now understand the meaning of the song "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, RED, yellow black and white they are precious in his sight." Because I am still red. Literally, there are still lines on my back and butt.
Sun- 1.    Kelly- 0.
 You're welcome. I also was in the hospital TWICE because my sun burn was so bad they put me on a steroid to take the swelling down, and I had an allergic reaction, and my heart rate was at 135- resting. They thought I had a blood clot in my lungs. It was scary. Update: I am doing just fine now.


August 2016
I chopped my hair off, because I was over the long hair ordeal. Also I was still hot because my body temperature was still higher than normal due to the leftover sun burn, so i chopped off my hair and I loved it. I also welcomed my RA's for the 2016-2017 school year and we basically took a boomerang every chance we could.

September 2016-
Also a blur and I don't really have any documentation of what happened except for this- I think we were cleaning- insert the crying laughing emoji.

October 2016-
We went to a pumpkin patch to take this picture. Again 2016-- not my best year.

November 2016-
My whole family flew to Texas to see Meg! I turned 27 and realized I am now officially in my late 20's, so I threw a party for myself, and it was every bit glorious as you would expect.


December 2016-
We had 4 family Christmas celebrations, yes 4. The photo below is the sunglass tradition. #hilarious
We drove 600 miles to see one of my old RA's get engaged, and we went sledding in the snow.

The timer on my banana bread just went off, and I am excited to eat it, Jonny scheduled massages for tonight, and our appointment is in a few minutes. Ringing in the new year may not be so bad after all.

2017, I have high hopes, but lets be honest, anything will be better than this year. So cheers.


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