Scotty Garland Tillery: A Birth Story
It was a beautiful chilly Saturday morning and I had just finished painting some young girls nails at a friend's daughter's birthday party. We rally the troops when it comes to 6 year old birthday parties. I had come home tired, yet excited because I had a surprise for Jonny. For a few weeks, some friends had been planning a "just guys" diaper shower for Jonny at Buffalo Wild Wings.
I had text him asking him if we could go to BWW for lunch because I was 36 weeks pregnant and craving wings. NOT. Little did he know, friends and family would be waiting there to surprise him. As we made our way to the restaurant, he mentioned that he didn't feel too good and wanted to spend the day together, and possibly see a movie after lunch. I went along with his plan trying not to ruin the surprise.
When we walked in, he noticed some of his friends at a table near the entrance. He says it took him a minute to put together different friends from different walks of life and his brother all at a table together. After he saw the stack of diapers at the end of the table, the lightbulb went on. He was surprised and shocked. He asked me to stay with him, but I wanted to let him be with his friends. They piled the diapers in my car and I left, knowing I would be back to get him in about an hour for the movie.
I drove across the street to Ross to look at home decor because I am Joanna Gaines, okay?
While shopping I had to use the restroom. I left my cart in the lamps aisle, because I was eyeing some lamps that needed a new home in Kelly's living room.
I was washing my hands and smiling at myself in the mirror, admiring how well I thought I had done during my pregnancy. I had gained 30 pounds, still no sign of a double chin and my outfits were rocking. It was right about then that I felt this weird peeing sensation and instantly my pants were soaking wet. Weird, I thought. I just went pee. I went back into the stall, and an involuntary flood had taken place. I lost a ton of fluid. I called my sweet friend Ashley and told her, "I think my water just broke." She asked "is there any blood when you wipe?" Sure enough, there it was.
Call Jonny NOW.
He answered "Hi love!"
"BABE!" I exclaimed! "My water just broke, and I am at Ross in the bathroom, and I need you to come get me!"
(mind you, he is eating wings, with his buddies at his diaper shower)
He said his buddies would bring him over.
I slowly began to stand, afraid that more fluid would come. Maybe I should change my wording. It came like the HOOVER DAM had busted open. Like the movies, like pregnant actresses who fake their water breaking and some extra throws a gallon of water on the floor beneath them. Yes that was me, in real life.
I began to penguin walk out of Ross. I waved to my cart with the darling rugs and the lamps who's address would remain Ross, and not Kelly's living room. Do you love it? I love it. Thanks Ross.
I called my dad while waddling out of Ross and told him to gather my mom up because this baby was coming!
I stood outside waiting for Jonny and he pulled up, jumped out of the car and I immediately yelled "babe, feel my pants!" They were soaked, and his eyes got real big and he started running to open the car door for me. Thankfully we were only a few exits away from Kaiser and I called to let them know we were on our way.
We parked. Thankfully it was a Saturday and we got front row parking, because those of you who have Kaiser insurance know that the parking there is like trying to survive the Hunger Games. I thought I could walk to the elevator, but nope, more and more fluid kept coming. Jonny ran to grab me a wheelchair and I began videotaping us because I just couldn't believe it was happening.
Also, forget about what I said about not having a double chin, it is large and in charge in my selfie video.
Moving on.
We got to the third floor and checked in, and they said they were going to triage (Tree auj? Who even knows how to spell that?) me to make sure my water had really broken. Apparently a few women go in there and think their water has broken, but not so much. Well, all I had to do was stand up, and beneath me was a puddle. Not like, oh it was dripping down my leg. It was more that my jeans were so wet that it was just leaking.
The nurse said, "well we don't need to do much here, call the midwife. Your water has most definitely broken."
I changed into those awful hospital gowns, because did I have my hospital bag? NO! I WAS JUST SHOPPING AT ROSS FOR LAMPS. I did not expect to go to the hospital to HAVE MY BABY. HELLO! The midwife came in and checked me. She shoved her fist up me, which was painful. HAHA looking back now, that was THE LEAST of my worries.
Midwife: Well honey, you are 2 cm dilated, 70% effaced and you've been having contractions. Have you felt them?
ME: NO! I have not felt them. Can I go back and get my lamps and my rugs from Ross and continue with my Saturday?
Midwife: Well that's good! You have a high pain tolerance and could go all natural if you want.
Me(in my head): NATURAL?? I'm sorry. No.
Me (out loud) Yeah, we will see how I progress.
They checked me into a room and we began calling family and friends.
My first call was to my friend Ashley to pack my hospital bag because HELLO, my sister had bought me this DARLING delivery gown, and I NEEDED to be wearing it. I also needed food. Cue my brother in law bringing Panera, oh! and Jonny's wings he never got to eat at BWW. So comical I tell ya.
It was around 3pm at this time, and the midwife told me that since I wasn't feeling my contractions that I should walk the halls. So I went a walkin'... up and down that blasted hallway what felt like a million times. The midwife was going to check me again at 5pm.
5pm rolls around and I am now 3cm dilated. We are moving this thing along here. She wanted me to continue walking. Good Lord, I have the dust in the hallway memorized at this point. My mother in law had arrived and was walking with us. We watched the sunset and guessed how big he would be and what time he would be born. Since my water hadbroke burst, they knew he would be born within 24 hours of 1:53pm Saturday February 17th.
7pm rolls around and they check me again. I hadn't progressed much. My parents arrived and the midwife said we should probably get started with the pitocin.
9pm. Pitocin is given. Still only feeling mild cramps before the pitocin is administered to me.
10pm PITOCIN WORKS and the contractions are in FULL EFFECT and I am BEGGIN' FOR THE EPIDURAL.
11pm: Epidural is given. Let me tell you, I was in so much pain it was insane. However, you can't move while they are putting in the epidural. So I sat sideways on the bed, with Jonny in a chair beneath me holding my legs still. I was hugging a pillow with my neck in the most UNCOMFORTABLE position it has ever been in my life. Forget the pain of contractions, I was going to need NECK SURGERY after the position they had me in to administer the epidural. For about 20 minutes I prayed out loud "God please calm my body. God please calm the pain." I felt His peace fill my body. The pain did not subside, but His strength filled my body in a way I have never known before.
11:20pm- Epidural done. The midwife said it would take about a half hour for the epidural to kick in, and she wanted me to rest. She mentioned she would come back to check me around 2am, which felt like an eternity away in the pain I was in.
I laid in that bed thinking to myself, "I thought I had more time! I am not prepared to deliver this baby. I haven't even ordered his crib. I am a failure."
The lies started to creep in. I had let Jonny take a nap on the couch because I was going to need him when it was delivery time. My precious mama sat there with me. She whispered gently in my ear and calmed me down. We chatted and I rested til' 2am.
The midwife came just like she said she would, this time I didn't feel her checking me. Pain had subsided. She said "you are 9 cm and almost ready to go."
HOLY HELL. 9CM. How did I go from 3-9cm in like 6 hours?
I woke up Jonny and began to mentally prepare for what I was about to endure, even though I had no idea what was coming.
2:32am I began pushing. I was running a fever and struggling to breathe, so they put an oxygen mask on me and I remember being so mad, because #pictures.
My mom was on the right side and Jonny on my left. The nurse began instructing me how to push.
I pushed for about an hour and fifteen minutes with the nurse, and then the midwife came in. I remember I was cranky. I snapped at Jonny and my mom because of the pain I was in. One minute I was begging Jonny for ice chips and the next I was yelling at him to get them out of my face. Also, note to self: yelling with an oxygen mask is hard.
My mom kept telling me to "bear down." The problem with her advice was, I HAD NO IDEA what it meant. So I yelled at her to stop talking. Sorry mama.
Apparently bear down is a common delivery term.
You see, Scotty was born at 36 weeks and 5 days. At 33 weeks, I was cleared of my complete placenta previa. We didn't go to any birthing classes. We did not attend any breastfeeding courses. We were on our own. So the terminology to me sounded like a camping term and I was most definitely NOT CAMPING.
Around 3:45am the midwife and her team came in. She instructed me to grunt a few times, and with each grunt, I progressed further and further.
Scott Garland Tillery was born at 3:51am on February 18, 2018.
He weighed 6lbs. 13.5oz.
He measured 19 inches long.
He was sheer perfection.
The moment I saw him, I let every tear flow. I was ugly crying, and again, with the oxygen mask. That was not a pretty sight. I had a 102 degree fever towards the end of the delivery and at his birth. A minor concern, but still a concern no less. So they covered me in cold washcloths. I felt like the mummy.
I was the proudest mummy there ever was. Jonny and I wept uncontrollably at the sight of our son. He cried the moment he was born, and I held him on my chest and cried and it was just as beautiful as every mother tells you it will be. You just can't fathom it until you live it.
Most everything after that was a blur. They took him to clean him up, weigh him and all the things. My parents got to see him and we were with him for a while before the doctor came in to do all the special things they do with newborns.
I was EXHASUTED. My mama says she didn't think I could go 5 more minutes. Between the fever and the oxygen mask and oh I forgot to mention the SECOND DEGREE TEARS I received during delivery, I was in need of a break.
The sun began to creep through the hospital windows and the Lord reminded me that it was His day. My son was born on a Sunday, and I cried all over again. Sunday's are special for Jonny and I. We serve our church on Sunday's. We rest on Sundays. Sundays are our favorite day, and God graciously allowed our son to come 3.5 weeks early, on a Sunday.
They moved us into a nice room with two beds, so Jonny could sleep as well. Since he was technically "pre-term" we would be at the hospital until Tuesday. I was so grateful for the care that Kaiser showed us. Seriously, it was a beautiful experience.
Scotty had jaundice and so for a while he was on a bilirubin blanket (Google this and you will find miniature newborn baby tanning beds) to help get the jaundice out. He was on it for 5 days. We referred to him as our glow worm.
He is now 12 days old and has stolen our hearts in the most beautiful way. So many people share that a child opens a space in your heart that never existed before and you love in ways you never knew you could.
February was a beautiful month. I am so very grateful.
Thank you God.
I had text him asking him if we could go to BWW for lunch because I was 36 weeks pregnant and craving wings. NOT. Little did he know, friends and family would be waiting there to surprise him. As we made our way to the restaurant, he mentioned that he didn't feel too good and wanted to spend the day together, and possibly see a movie after lunch. I went along with his plan trying not to ruin the surprise.
When we walked in, he noticed some of his friends at a table near the entrance. He says it took him a minute to put together different friends from different walks of life and his brother all at a table together. After he saw the stack of diapers at the end of the table, the lightbulb went on. He was surprised and shocked. He asked me to stay with him, but I wanted to let him be with his friends. They piled the diapers in my car and I left, knowing I would be back to get him in about an hour for the movie.
I drove across the street to Ross to look at home decor because I am Joanna Gaines, okay?
While shopping I had to use the restroom. I left my cart in the lamps aisle, because I was eyeing some lamps that needed a new home in Kelly's living room.
I was washing my hands and smiling at myself in the mirror, admiring how well I thought I had done during my pregnancy. I had gained 30 pounds, still no sign of a double chin and my outfits were rocking. It was right about then that I felt this weird peeing sensation and instantly my pants were soaking wet. Weird, I thought. I just went pee. I went back into the stall, and an involuntary flood had taken place. I lost a ton of fluid. I called my sweet friend Ashley and told her, "I think my water just broke." She asked "is there any blood when you wipe?" Sure enough, there it was.
Call Jonny NOW.
He answered "Hi love!"
"BABE!" I exclaimed! "My water just broke, and I am at Ross in the bathroom, and I need you to come get me!"
(mind you, he is eating wings, with his buddies at his diaper shower)
He said his buddies would bring him over.
I slowly began to stand, afraid that more fluid would come. Maybe I should change my wording. It came like the HOOVER DAM had busted open. Like the movies, like pregnant actresses who fake their water breaking and some extra throws a gallon of water on the floor beneath them. Yes that was me, in real life.
I began to penguin walk out of Ross. I waved to my cart with the darling rugs and the lamps who's address would remain Ross, and not Kelly's living room. Do you love it? I love it. Thanks Ross.
I called my dad while waddling out of Ross and told him to gather my mom up because this baby was coming!
I stood outside waiting for Jonny and he pulled up, jumped out of the car and I immediately yelled "babe, feel my pants!" They were soaked, and his eyes got real big and he started running to open the car door for me. Thankfully we were only a few exits away from Kaiser and I called to let them know we were on our way.
We parked. Thankfully it was a Saturday and we got front row parking, because those of you who have Kaiser insurance know that the parking there is like trying to survive the Hunger Games. I thought I could walk to the elevator, but nope, more and more fluid kept coming. Jonny ran to grab me a wheelchair and I began videotaping us because I just couldn't believe it was happening.
Also, forget about what I said about not having a double chin, it is large and in charge in my selfie video.
Moving on.
We got to the third floor and checked in, and they said they were going to triage (Tree auj? Who even knows how to spell that?) me to make sure my water had really broken. Apparently a few women go in there and think their water has broken, but not so much. Well, all I had to do was stand up, and beneath me was a puddle. Not like, oh it was dripping down my leg. It was more that my jeans were so wet that it was just leaking.
The nurse said, "well we don't need to do much here, call the midwife. Your water has most definitely broken."
I changed into those awful hospital gowns, because did I have my hospital bag? NO! I WAS JUST SHOPPING AT ROSS FOR LAMPS. I did not expect to go to the hospital to HAVE MY BABY. HELLO! The midwife came in and checked me. She shoved her fist up me, which was painful. HAHA looking back now, that was THE LEAST of my worries.
Midwife: Well honey, you are 2 cm dilated, 70% effaced and you've been having contractions. Have you felt them?
ME: NO! I have not felt them. Can I go back and get my lamps and my rugs from Ross and continue with my Saturday?
Midwife: Well that's good! You have a high pain tolerance and could go all natural if you want.
Me(in my head): NATURAL?? I'm sorry. No.
Me (out loud) Yeah, we will see how I progress.
They checked me into a room and we began calling family and friends.
My first call was to my friend Ashley to pack my hospital bag because HELLO, my sister had bought me this DARLING delivery gown, and I NEEDED to be wearing it. I also needed food. Cue my brother in law bringing Panera, oh! and Jonny's wings he never got to eat at BWW. So comical I tell ya.
It was around 3pm at this time, and the midwife told me that since I wasn't feeling my contractions that I should walk the halls. So I went a walkin'... up and down that blasted hallway what felt like a million times. The midwife was going to check me again at 5pm.
5pm rolls around and I am now 3cm dilated. We are moving this thing along here. She wanted me to continue walking. Good Lord, I have the dust in the hallway memorized at this point. My mother in law had arrived and was walking with us. We watched the sunset and guessed how big he would be and what time he would be born. Since my water had
7pm rolls around and they check me again. I hadn't progressed much. My parents arrived and the midwife said we should probably get started with the pitocin.
9pm. Pitocin is given. Still only feeling mild cramps before the pitocin is administered to me.
10pm PITOCIN WORKS and the contractions are in FULL EFFECT and I am BEGGIN' FOR THE EPIDURAL.
11pm: Epidural is given. Let me tell you, I was in so much pain it was insane. However, you can't move while they are putting in the epidural. So I sat sideways on the bed, with Jonny in a chair beneath me holding my legs still. I was hugging a pillow with my neck in the most UNCOMFORTABLE position it has ever been in my life. Forget the pain of contractions, I was going to need NECK SURGERY after the position they had me in to administer the epidural. For about 20 minutes I prayed out loud "God please calm my body. God please calm the pain." I felt His peace fill my body. The pain did not subside, but His strength filled my body in a way I have never known before.
11:20pm- Epidural done. The midwife said it would take about a half hour for the epidural to kick in, and she wanted me to rest. She mentioned she would come back to check me around 2am, which felt like an eternity away in the pain I was in.
I laid in that bed thinking to myself, "I thought I had more time! I am not prepared to deliver this baby. I haven't even ordered his crib. I am a failure."
The lies started to creep in. I had let Jonny take a nap on the couch because I was going to need him when it was delivery time. My precious mama sat there with me. She whispered gently in my ear and calmed me down. We chatted and I rested til' 2am.
The midwife came just like she said she would, this time I didn't feel her checking me. Pain had subsided. She said "you are 9 cm and almost ready to go."
HOLY HELL. 9CM. How did I go from 3-9cm in like 6 hours?
I woke up Jonny and began to mentally prepare for what I was about to endure, even though I had no idea what was coming.
2:32am I began pushing. I was running a fever and struggling to breathe, so they put an oxygen mask on me and I remember being so mad, because #pictures.
My mom was on the right side and Jonny on my left. The nurse began instructing me how to push.
I pushed for about an hour and fifteen minutes with the nurse, and then the midwife came in. I remember I was cranky. I snapped at Jonny and my mom because of the pain I was in. One minute I was begging Jonny for ice chips and the next I was yelling at him to get them out of my face. Also, note to self: yelling with an oxygen mask is hard.
My mom kept telling me to "bear down." The problem with her advice was, I HAD NO IDEA what it meant. So I yelled at her to stop talking. Sorry mama.
Apparently bear down is a common delivery term.
You see, Scotty was born at 36 weeks and 5 days. At 33 weeks, I was cleared of my complete placenta previa. We didn't go to any birthing classes. We did not attend any breastfeeding courses. We were on our own. So the terminology to me sounded like a camping term and I was most definitely NOT CAMPING.
Around 3:45am the midwife and her team came in. She instructed me to grunt a few times, and with each grunt, I progressed further and further.
Scott Garland Tillery was born at 3:51am on February 18, 2018.
He weighed 6lbs. 13.5oz.
He measured 19 inches long.
He was sheer perfection.
The moment I saw him, I let every tear flow. I was ugly crying, and again, with the oxygen mask. That was not a pretty sight. I had a 102 degree fever towards the end of the delivery and at his birth. A minor concern, but still a concern no less. So they covered me in cold washcloths. I felt like the mummy.
I was the proudest mummy there ever was. Jonny and I wept uncontrollably at the sight of our son. He cried the moment he was born, and I held him on my chest and cried and it was just as beautiful as every mother tells you it will be. You just can't fathom it until you live it.
Most everything after that was a blur. They took him to clean him up, weigh him and all the things. My parents got to see him and we were with him for a while before the doctor came in to do all the special things they do with newborns.
I was EXHASUTED. My mama says she didn't think I could go 5 more minutes. Between the fever and the oxygen mask and oh I forgot to mention the SECOND DEGREE TEARS I received during delivery, I was in need of a break.
The sun began to creep through the hospital windows and the Lord reminded me that it was His day. My son was born on a Sunday, and I cried all over again. Sunday's are special for Jonny and I. We serve our church on Sunday's. We rest on Sundays. Sundays are our favorite day, and God graciously allowed our son to come 3.5 weeks early, on a Sunday.
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So proud. So swollen. |
They moved us into a nice room with two beds, so Jonny could sleep as well. Since he was technically "pre-term" we would be at the hospital until Tuesday. I was so grateful for the care that Kaiser showed us. Seriously, it was a beautiful experience.
Scotty had jaundice and so for a while he was on a bilirubin blanket (Google this and you will find miniature newborn baby tanning beds) to help get the jaundice out. He was on it for 5 days. We referred to him as our glow worm.
He is now 12 days old and has stolen our hearts in the most beautiful way. So many people share that a child opens a space in your heart that never existed before and you love in ways you never knew you could.
It's all true. What is also true is that I love Jonny more now than I ever have before. When I think back on the almost 5 years of our marriage and the hell we went through, I thank God for saving our marriage. I thank God that he redeemed our marriage and gave us this little boy as a daily reminder that He can fix broken things. He can redeem anything. I will never fully understand why he chose to save our marriage or all the beautiful ways in which He is still making beauty from our ashes. All I know is I am grateful. I am so incredibly indebted to God and His bountiful blessings in my life. I will love and serve Him all of my days in sheer gratitude for not only my salvation, but the beautiful things He has given in my life.
I have a new normal now. I nurse, change diapers, sleep and try to take a shower every few days. Those things alone take up a full 24 hours. How? Don't ask... even I don't understand. But I love it. I love every second of it.
Oh did I mention that we also bought a house?
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Showing Scotty our new house! |
Thank you God.
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