Confessions From a Verbal Processor

Why God made me this way... I will never understand. I literally need to verbally process EVERYTHING. The price of oranges at Trader Joes. Why that guy in the Tesla cut me off? Why for the life of me, no matter how much preparation I put into making dinner, it will never all be finished at the same time. The chicken takes too long, and the Brussel sprouts are done in .5 seconds.

It literally baffles me. My poor husband eats in segments. First the veggies, then 10 minutes later the potatoes, and a half hour later the chicken. If it's done.

 I know, I know, you're probably going to tell me "Kelly, put the chicken in a half hour before everything else." Well that is the PROBLEM-- I DO, and it still takes 9 hours for dinner. Bleh. Chick Fil A for dinner it is.

 "Why am I like this? Why did you make me this way?" I begged the Lord this morning at 6am in my devotional time. "Why isn't my husband a better listener? Why didn't you make him a better listener? Didn't you know we would get married and I would NEED someone to listen to my every detail?"
I pleaded over my warm cup of coffee. I even went so far as to literally write these words on the page,
 "If he was a better listener, I wouldn't feel this way because I would be able to verbally process EVERYTHING with him."

Then I crossed those words out in my journal and asked the Lord to forgive me. How quickly I blame others for my struggles. I put my pen down, sipped my coffee, and Jesus came close.

I heard a tender whisper..

"Child, I made you this way. I made you specifically wired in certain ways so that you would need me. I want you to process every detail of your life with me, because I care for you. When others wont listen, I will. I am always here for you. I did not create you to be dependent on others for things they cannot give you. I made you to need me. If your husband was a perfect listener, you may not want to share every detail of your life on these pages with me. I have created you in my Image, you are wonderful, beautiful and precious to me. Do not be bogged down by the cares of this world, instead run to me, for I am always here for you. My yoke is easy & my burden is light. Do not expect of others, what only I can give to you. Press into me through your discouragement, questions, doubt and fear, for I am here. Go throughout your day entrusting the details of your heart and your life to me, for your are deeply loved."

Tears filled my eyes as the realization hit that I am so loved and cared for.
Oh how He loves His children.

I filled my journal with prayers asking for forgiveness for my struggles, my sin, my pride, anger and for missing Him.

 I miss Him because I am so lost in the details of what isn't there that I miss Him, always there. Patiently waiting for me to come running to His arms.

I know this will always be a struggle of mine, but I know that He loves me, and always wants to teach me more. He wants to teach me about Himself. He wants me to know Him. He wants me to process my life with Him close, tenderly speaking truth in a world so full of lies.

Now I need to text my husband and ask for forgiveness. The poor guy just wants to eat his dinner in peace without me bombarding him with my minute by minute play by play of my day.

How about you? Are you a verbal processor? What are some things that you do to process your thoughts?


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