Post 21 Day Fix
Today was day 21.
21 days ago I began a journey of the Beachbody 21 Day fix eating plan. I have always struggled with my weight. I've always wanted to be thinner, healthier and more fit. I consider myself a pretty athletic woman, and I'm also really strong. Before I got married I didn't really work out or eat healthy. Food has always been a close companion of mine. If I was stressed, I ate. If I was happy or celebrating, I celebrated with food. If I was sad, a Chick Fil A milkshake and french fries did the trick.
After "I do" my husband and I wanted to get in shape and eat healthier. I gained alittle lot of weight during my first year of marriage. I was also in Grad School getting my Masters Degree and working full time. My husband and I decided to try out Crossfit in March of 2014. We only lasted a few months. At that point we were both over it and just accepted that we enjoyed eating out more than eating healthy and working out. In early February 2015 we decided to go back to Crossfit. We were excited and committed. Jonny's dad was getting married in the end of February and we wanted to try to lose a little bit of weight.
Again, I'm not huge, I'm not fat. But I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. I remember wanting to hide in that gold skirt. I thought I was hiding my curves well. Haha, I crack myself up.
We were back at crossfit and starting to eat more healthy than we had been. The scale continued to go up. I wasn't losing any weight and I was discouraged. I remember seeing this on Instagram, and for a few months I didn't touch the scale.
June 2015 was our 2 year wedding anniversary as well as a family trip with my husband's family to Florida. Which meant the beach full time. Which meant bathing suits, cover ups, and not wanting anyone to see my insecurities I had over my body. So I invested some money in some bathing suits and cute clothes that would boost my confidence. My mom even took me to get some cute clothes before the trip.
If you notice, this is the same outfit. A darling little romper that I was stoked to purchase in a size Medium. I love that photo of Jonny & I. My hair had gone ape because of the humidity, and I loved it. Jonny looked so handsome and I was so happy. We had a great time that evening.

The photo to the right is just a few minutes later when we went on a walk down the pier. I remember seeing that photo after Jonny had took it. Something deep in me was so incredibly defeated. I couldn't stand this photo and I actually recovered it from my deleted photo's just for the blog. I still look at that picture and cringe. That girl, she had been through so much and had forgotten she even had any beauty within her.
After we got back from our Florida trip and that picture really, I decided I was going to go HAM at the box. I got on the scale to see the damage that had been done by the southern hospitality of fried shrimp, virgin (delicious) pina colada's and sweet tea. I was so discouraged. I had talked to my cross fit coach and I was starting to do some extra work at the box. Rowing thousands of meters afterward a full hour workout, running, biking, doing tons of back squats and running with the sled. All this work naturally made me even more hungry. So again, the scale was not moving. If anything it was going up.
I am really strong, I can back squat 240, I can deadlift 275. I can do wall balls and snatches and all that corssfit stuff for days. The truth is, I really love it.
One night a few weeks ago I hurt my knee playing football with my husband and our friend Aaron. The next day, it was swollen and I could barely walk. Which meant Crossfit wasn't going to be apart of my life for a while. I was going to have to figure something else out.
I had been talking to a friend who had done the Beachbody 21 day fix. I asked Jonny if I could try it out. The kit came with colorful containers you put your food in, workout videos and a shaker bottle.
It also came with step by step instructions on how to succeed in losing weight. I ordered the kit on amazon, and was really excited to try it out. I meal prepped, and was stoked to start. I tried the videos and still wasn't able to do them because of the pain in my leg. I knew I could walk, so everyday I just walked. The first few days were really hard, TERRIBLE. I was so hungry all day. About the 4th day in, I figured out how to maximize the amount of containers I got per day, and was starting to enjoy it.
The first week I lost 5 pounds and was stoked on life. The first week I was also pretty disciplined and planned all my meals. the second and third week I was still pretty disciplined, but would allow myself a french fry ortwo five. A couple chips here and there, and a few sips of my husbands In'n'out milkshake. Which I must add was torture to watch him eat in front of me.
However, though I wanted to have my own milkshake, I wanted to be disciplined even more. I wanted to continue to see the scale go down. I weighed myself MWF during the week. Each time I got on the scale, it went down. even if it was .2 or .4.
This morning was the end of it. I finished 21 days. I lost 9.6lbs in 21 days, which equates to a 1/2lb a day. I am one proud woman.
I am proud of what I've done, and the woman I have become in this process.
Today we are celebrating with Lucilles, but tomorrow I will start round 2 of the 21 day fix. I've got goals to meet, and a life to live. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. One day, I want to teach my kids about proper portions and healthy food.
This picture was taken last weekend. I was about 7 pounds down in this photo. I sent it to my mom and she made this comment.
My Mom- "Kell, something is missing in this photo."
Me- "What mom?"
My Mom- "Your double chin."
Me- "geeze mom, thanks."
Long story short, I'm going places, I've got a goal to lose 30 pounds. Ive got 20.4 left. At 15lbs gone, I'm gonna get a fitbit as a reward. I'm still deciding what my 30lb goal reward will be, but I'm thinking I might cut my hair, short hair without a double chin is darling :)
21 days ago I began a journey of the Beachbody 21 Day fix eating plan. I have always struggled with my weight. I've always wanted to be thinner, healthier and more fit. I consider myself a pretty athletic woman, and I'm also really strong. Before I got married I didn't really work out or eat healthy. Food has always been a close companion of mine. If I was stressed, I ate. If I was happy or celebrating, I celebrated with food. If I was sad, a Chick Fil A milkshake and french fries did the trick.
After "I do" my husband and I wanted to get in shape and eat healthier. I gained a
February 21, 2015- Tillery Wedding.
We were back at crossfit and starting to eat more healthy than we had been. The scale continued to go up. I wasn't losing any weight and I was discouraged. I remember seeing this on Instagram, and for a few months I didn't touch the scale.
June 2015 was our 2 year wedding anniversary as well as a family trip with my husband's family to Florida. Which meant the beach full time. Which meant bathing suits, cover ups, and not wanting anyone to see my insecurities I had over my body. So I invested some money in some bathing suits and cute clothes that would boost my confidence. My mom even took me to get some cute clothes before the trip.
If you notice, this is the same outfit. A darling little romper that I was stoked to purchase in a size Medium. I love that photo of Jonny & I. My hair had gone ape because of the humidity, and I loved it. Jonny looked so handsome and I was so happy. We had a great time that evening.

The photo to the right is just a few minutes later when we went on a walk down the pier. I remember seeing that photo after Jonny had took it. Something deep in me was so incredibly defeated. I couldn't stand this photo and I actually recovered it from my deleted photo's just for the blog. I still look at that picture and cringe. That girl, she had been through so much and had forgotten she even had any beauty within her.
After we got back from our Florida trip and that picture really, I decided I was going to go HAM at the box. I got on the scale to see the damage that had been done by the southern hospitality of fried shrimp, virgin (delicious) pina colada's and sweet tea. I was so discouraged. I had talked to my cross fit coach and I was starting to do some extra work at the box. Rowing thousands of meters afterward a full hour workout, running, biking, doing tons of back squats and running with the sled. All this work naturally made me even more hungry. So again, the scale was not moving. If anything it was going up.
I am really strong, I can back squat 240, I can deadlift 275. I can do wall balls and snatches and all that corssfit stuff for days. The truth is, I really love it.
One night a few weeks ago I hurt my knee playing football with my husband and our friend Aaron. The next day, it was swollen and I could barely walk. Which meant Crossfit wasn't going to be apart of my life for a while. I was going to have to figure something else out.
I had been talking to a friend who had done the Beachbody 21 day fix. I asked Jonny if I could try it out. The kit came with colorful containers you put your food in, workout videos and a shaker bottle.
It also came with step by step instructions on how to succeed in losing weight. I ordered the kit on amazon, and was really excited to try it out. I meal prepped, and was stoked to start. I tried the videos and still wasn't able to do them because of the pain in my leg. I knew I could walk, so everyday I just walked. The first few days were
The first week I lost 5 pounds and was stoked on life. The first week I was also pretty disciplined and planned all my meals. the second and third week I was still pretty disciplined, but would allow myself a french fry or
However, though I wanted to have my own milkshake, I wanted to be disciplined even more. I wanted to continue to see the scale go down. I weighed myself MWF during the week. Each time I got on the scale, it went down. even if it was .2 or .4.
This morning was the end of it. I finished 21 days. I lost 9.6lbs in 21 days, which equates to a 1/2lb a day. I am one proud woman.
I am proud of what I've done, and the woman I have become in this process.
Today we are celebrating with Lucilles, but tomorrow I will start round 2 of the 21 day fix. I've got goals to meet, and a life to live. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. One day, I want to teach my kids about proper portions and healthy food.
This picture was taken last weekend. I was about 7 pounds down in this photo. I sent it to my mom and she made this comment.
My Mom- "Kell, something is missing in this photo."
Me- "What mom?"
My Mom- "Your double chin."
Me- "geeze mom, thanks."
Long story short, I'm going places, I've got a goal to lose 30 pounds. Ive got 20.4 left. At 15lbs gone, I'm gonna get a fitbit as a reward. I'm still deciding what my 30lb goal reward will be, but I'm thinking I might cut my hair, short hair without a double chin is darling :)
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