That Crossfit Life

Some of you may or may not know what Crossfit is. The truth is, I am still learning exactly what it is myself. Basically in my own words: Crossfit is a sport which incorporates elements of high intensity training, olymic weightlifting, gymnsastics and many other exercises. According to my trusty friend wikipedia, there are over 10,000 affiliated gyms half of which are located in the US. There is a workout of the day, also known as {WOD} which is posted {for us the night before} allowing me to decide whether or not I want to die the next day.

 Jonny and I began doing crossfit in March of 2014. We lasted about 3 months with school, new jobs and our first year of marriage. Eventually we quit. We had a super tough season of marriage, and we both packed on about 20 pounds, and in early March of this year, decided we would try again. This time we would incorporate clean eating. Now since its #vulnerablethursday, {Mom, its just a hashtag people use on social media} I will admit that I love all things unhealthy. My spiritual gift is eating. I love french fries, cake, cookies, brownies, ice cream, cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and the list goes on. So this journey has been a bit of a struggle for me. I have tried to sneak "chocolate"  covered banana's, and justify that it's a banana. Like I said, eating is my spiritual gift.

Anyways, since we have been doing crossfit, I have really been trying to eat healthy. Jonny has been incredibly disciplined, and you can definitely see the change. I'm really proud of him. We meal prep for at least four hours on sunday afternoons together. We make like 50 hardboiled eggs, 20 chicken breasts, a bunch of sweet potatoes & brown rice. We cut up lots of fruits and vegetables, and put everything in plastic containers for the week. It's really nice not having to make food on the spot. This has been my first week with the whole brown rice & chicken thing since up till last week I had a meal plan through my job. Seriously, I know, Chick Fil A & Chipotle everyday is a struggle. Anyways now that's over and summer is here, it's time to buckle down, eat clean & get healthy.

Well that was going great till yesterday when I rolled my ankle on box jumps. Classic Kelly. For those of you who know me, this is no surprise. Just as I start to really get into this whole thing, I can't even do it. Because my ankle is swollen, and a little blue. But this whole thing got me thinking about crossfit and how much I truly enjoy it. Because even though I am sure Jonny thinks I am totally milking every second of this minor injury, it is pouring outside and I wish I could be working out alongside him.

Speaking of Jonny, he just called me. He forgot his workout shorts. If I wasn't injured, this would be the time I would be driving to crossfit, so I would be able to bring them to him. Not today, I got this sucker iced & elevated in my office.
Poor thing, have fun running in your jeans. {Said no one ever}

Crossfit has been teaching me so much about myself. See, I am strong, and that's about it. I'm not fast. Heck, my endurance in a run lasts about 1/16 of a mile, and then I am ready to walk. But I have gotten a lot better. I can back squat and dead lift just about as much, if not more than girls who have been doing crossfit for years. Not that I am getting a big head or anything, but I consider this a huge accomplishment. However in a workout, even though I can usually do the recommended weight, it takes me twice as long. So I usually finish last, or close to it most days. Most of the time my body can endure, its my mind I have to convince. My whole life I've worked out, or eaten healthy for about 2 or 3 weeks, and when I didn't see results, I would give up.
Not this time.

I'm fighting against myself. I desire to be a better me. I want to be a healthy mom {one day} I want to have a healthy pregnancy and have healthy kids and a healthy family. I am learning that it all begins with me.

Jonny is a huge encouragement. He loves me on days when I cry at crossfit, and days that I kick the crap out of a workout and reach a new personal record. I remember back during a hard day he reminded me that the reason we do this together, is because we are a team. We win and we lose together. We have the power to be each other's biggest fan, or worst enemy. Lord knows I need him. I need his support. I could be in the middle of a workout ready to give up, and hear him yell "Your'e a beast babe." {which to me is a huge compliment} After hearing him, I find some sort of strength because I am reminded that he believes in me, and I lift the weight up, and keep going to finish the workout.

There are also moments when I literally yell out "Lord, I am done. Just take me to heaven now. I am ready." Sometimes I'll ask for a breeze on a hot day when I am running, and just like that, the wind blows air in my face and through my hair. I feel Him. I know He is there, He wants my best too. He created my body, and desires the best from me. I want to give it all to Him, for His glory, and my good.

All in all, some people think crossfit is bad for you. I say, so are those chips your shoving in your face. Too bold? Sorry.

I'm learning about this precious body of mine. I'm challenging it, and I am learning to love it. It is far from perfect. Most days I look in the mirror and wish I looked like someone else. I wish I had a smaller waist, more muscular arms, and a firm toosh. Lord knows all the squats in the world won't change this pancake butt.
I love crossfit. I love that it is challenging me, and allowing me to grow & be better. I'm missing my Crossfit Kindle fam tonight.

Ankle, get better soon. OK?

Love, the new & improving Kelly. 


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