Late Mother's Day Post
If I go back as far as I can remember, my childhood was filled with mamma & her gentle loving of me & my sisters. She pours every ounce of who she is into loving others, making them feel special and cared for. When any one of us would have a sick day, mamma would watch movies with us, make us cookies and chicken noodle soup. Granted I know most mamma's do this, but my mamma was & is the best. When any one of us had a event to get dressed up for, mamma would sit in the dressing rooms, hang up all our clothes and laugh with us through the silly outfits. She would laugh with us, cry with us, and even make those around us do the same. She would grab an outfit and always tell us to try it on to humor her. Naturally, it would be the outfit that we walked out of the store purchasing, because well... mother knows best.
Mamma raised us, she stayed at home during the day, did laundry, cleaned, cooked, and cared for her those most dear to her, her three girls and the love of her life. Though she is a registered dental hygienist, she decided to be a stay at home mom to care for her littles.She didn't miss a game, a performance, a practice, or an opportunity to serve in our classrooms. Though she can never find her cell phone, or keep it charged, she was always a phone call away if we needed a sweater, forgot our lunch or wanted to play hooky.
Mamma's also got killer wisdom. She may be a basket case sometimes, full of emotions, but that is because she takes the bible verse "carry each others burdens" literally. She loves deeply, and she always listens first, and then tells you her thoughts, and her wisdom she has gained through the years.
I first discovered how awesome my mom was in middle school. My parents had this ministry where we would have any kid over after school on Wednesday to do homework, get a homemade meal from mamma, and then daddy would load us all up in the 15 passenger van, and tell jokes on the way to church. I think he took advantage of his captive audience :)
My friends started coming over because they liked my mom. She made them feel loved, and welcome in our house. Most my friends back then came from broken homes, or had some issues. But mamma never cared, she just loved them, and I loved her for it.
Mostly mamma is my best friend. I have learned so much from her. She is gracious, caring, funny, kind and silly. She is wise, generous and incredibly smart. Living and learning from her showed me the beauty in the small things. Many things I do today, are just like mamma. {Jonny is still getting used to it.} I interrupt people to tell them my stories, I laugh at inappropriate times, I over exaggerate stories, and always check if the store I am shopping at has coupons.
My adoration for lovely things came from mamma.
My desire to love & serve Jesus all my days, was taught to my from mamma.
My personality is much like mamma.
My heart for others is taken after mamma.
My love for handwritten letters comes from mamma.
My love for french fries & donuts comes from mamma.
My desire to raise a family & adore my husband all my days comes from mammas example.
Gosh, I just love love love mamma.
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