The Sweetness of Friendship
Yesterday I was reminded of the beauty of friendship. I spent the day laughing with my dearest friend in San Diego. She lives with her husband in the cutest apartment, that is so incredibly relaxing, I should have to pay to stay there. It's decorated perfectly, and offers a warm welcome to all who step through the door. It's always kept perfectly clean, and I always walk out her door feeling better because I have spent time with her in her home.
I met Sarah in college, when we were both RA's in the freshman dorms SIX years ago. We are different in so many ways. I am crazy, she is calm. I am weird and wild, she is gentle and sweet. She is so wise and speaks such truth into my life, Lord only knows where I would be without her. We went on a walk beside a beautiful lagoon yesterday, and each moment was so precious to me. That woman, if she only knew how deeply I love her, and how grateful I am for her. We can talk for hours, shop in a hundred stores, share dressing rooms, and laugh our butts off when the size 2 is too big for her, and my left thigh is held captive to the jeans that were too small for me in the first place, but Lord knows I wanted to try them on,because they were on sale. Loft Jeans, on sale. Need I say more?
We went to Target twice yesterday because for the love, that place. Any woman reading this post knows how we feel about that store. We also sat by the beach and listened to Hillsong & JJ Heller, and talked about how one day we will have babies, and life will be so much different, but for now we can eat donuts stuffed with ice cream, and go to target without screaming children.
I never really understood the meaning of that verse till I met Sarah. Through highs and lows, good times & bad, job changes, marriage, moving two hours away from each other, that girl has remained a constant, faithful friend. Her wisdom is far beyond her years, and her heart the size of Texas. She makes me laugh till I cry, and she calls me out when I need correction. She has this amazing way of looking me in the eye and shooting me straight.
My maiden name was Leonard, and in college, she always called me Lenny. To this day when I hear her call me Lenny, I smile. This sweet woman God blessed me with has shown me true friendship and blessed my life in more ways than she may ever know.
I am blessed with other friendships that make my life rich, and sweet. I am so grateful for friends, their differences and the way God uses them to draw me to himself.
This week I get to see & do some fun things with a few of my favorites and I am so looking forward to seeing each face and laughing with them and loving on them.
I get to address invitations with Tiff for her wedding in June. Bless the Lord, she is getting murried. So fun. Welcome to the club sista friend. It's pretty sweet.
Today I heard from two of my sweet friends in College through a group text with a picture from freshman year of us wearing bunny masks for Easter. I miss those girls so much.
Saturday one of my dear friends steph is spending the night, because lets be real, I hate sleeping alone, and I miss her to pieces, and we have not seen each other in forever. So just meeting for coffee or shopping like usual would not do. A sleepover means we at least get to be with each other for 12 hours. Praise.
Sunday I am having lunch at Lucille's with my sweet girl Kristi. We both love sweet tea and apple butter, so let's be real, we are basically southern women at heart. This girl loves Jesus well and challenges me deeply & I look forward to seeing her sweet face.
Last week I got to Skype with a sweet friend who is getting her masters degree in Scotland. She is absolutely hilarious and makes me laugh real hard. CONFESSION: Sometimes things we say are inappropriate and then we ask God for forgiveness. Lord, I love her, she is amazing, and we Skyped for about an hour while I painted my toes, and she downed one of her favorite drinks.{Rebecca Shoup}
I have not seen my sweet friend Cassie who is currently teaching English in Asia, in a while. { Reminder to text her to schedule time to Skype } That girl, she bring a smile to almost anyone she meets, I miss her dearly.
Ash & Kristin I don't get to see enough either, but we have all kept in contact and text each other when we are going to an interview, or have a prayer request. The four of us rally together, and I am grateful for our little Simmons bunch.
Life is good. Friendship is sweet, and takes time to build. When you find a good friend, learn how to be a good friend and knit your souls together. Life is hard, and sweet friends make the ride a little easier.
Thankful today for the precious friendships the Lord has so richly blessed my life with.
I met Sarah in college, when we were both RA's in the freshman dorms SIX years ago. We are different in so many ways. I am crazy, she is calm. I am weird and wild, she is gentle and sweet. She is so wise and speaks such truth into my life, Lord only knows where I would be without her. We went on a walk beside a beautiful lagoon yesterday, and each moment was so precious to me. That woman, if she only knew how deeply I love her, and how grateful I am for her. We can talk for hours, shop in a hundred stores, share dressing rooms, and laugh our butts off when the size 2 is too big for her, and my left thigh is held captive to the jeans that were too small for me in the first place, but Lord knows I wanted to try them on,because they were on sale. Loft Jeans, on sale. Need I say more?
We went to Target twice yesterday because for the love, that place. Any woman reading this post knows how we feel about that store. We also sat by the beach and listened to Hillsong & JJ Heller, and talked about how one day we will have babies, and life will be so much different, but for now we can eat donuts stuffed with ice cream, and go to target without screaming children.
Proverbs 17:17 is one of my favorite verses in the bible.
"A true friend loves at all times."
My maiden name was Leonard, and in college, she always called me Lenny. To this day when I hear her call me Lenny, I smile. This sweet woman God blessed me with has shown me true friendship and blessed my life in more ways than she may ever know.
I am blessed with other friendships that make my life rich, and sweet. I am so grateful for friends, their differences and the way God uses them to draw me to himself.
This week I get to see & do some fun things with a few of my favorites and I am so looking forward to seeing each face and laughing with them and loving on them.
I get to address invitations with Tiff for her wedding in June. Bless the Lord, she is getting murried. So fun. Welcome to the club sista friend. It's pretty sweet.
Today I heard from two of my sweet friends in College through a group text with a picture from freshman year of us wearing bunny masks for Easter. I miss those girls so much.
Saturday one of my dear friends steph is spending the night, because lets be real, I hate sleeping alone, and I miss her to pieces, and we have not seen each other in forever. So just meeting for coffee or shopping like usual would not do. A sleepover means we at least get to be with each other for 12 hours. Praise.
Sunday I am having lunch at Lucille's with my sweet girl Kristi. We both love sweet tea and apple butter, so let's be real, we are basically southern women at heart. This girl loves Jesus well and challenges me deeply & I look forward to seeing her sweet face.
Last week I got to Skype with a sweet friend who is getting her masters degree in Scotland. She is absolutely hilarious and makes me laugh real hard. CONFESSION: Sometimes things we say are inappropriate and then we ask God for forgiveness. Lord, I love her, she is amazing, and we Skyped for about an hour while I painted my toes, and she downed one of her favorite drinks.{Rebecca Shoup}
I have not seen my sweet friend Cassie who is currently teaching English in Asia, in a while. { Reminder to text her to schedule time to Skype } That girl, she bring a smile to almost anyone she meets, I miss her dearly.
Ash & Kristin I don't get to see enough either, but we have all kept in contact and text each other when we are going to an interview, or have a prayer request. The four of us rally together, and I am grateful for our little Simmons bunch.
Life is good. Friendship is sweet, and takes time to build. When you find a good friend, learn how to be a good friend and knit your souls together. Life is hard, and sweet friends make the ride a little easier.
Thankful today for the precious friendships the Lord has so richly blessed my life with.
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I love this photo! It's Becca & Cassie with my husband on a class trip to Catalina :) |
Nobody's Cuter Than You.
She is a fabulous {hilarious} author & her new book comes out today! I highly recommend it! You can buy it here.
LUCILLES. It can't come soon enough. And friend, nobody is cuter than YOU! Thankful for the friendship we have shared over the years! #toindiaandback
ReplyDeleteAmen! so grateful for our memories together :)