UP Women Staff Retreat

Meet the Women of University Place.
Oh, and meet the mountains, lake, and the bare trees.
We ventured to the mountains for a weekend retreat. We ate In'N'Out, we laughed, we talked, cried, and played lots of silly games, and recorded us playing spoons, because if we are honest my face looks like an arangatang when I am going all out for a spoon, because I am competitive like that . We also went through a thing of Oreos in about 3 minutes, because we are girls & we could.   It was glorious.

Their attempt to ride the circle. I'm not quite sure what is all happening here.

Clearly this bucket chair was a hit!

I was called mid June and asked to apply for this job. After a few interviews and a couple hundred prayers, Jonny and I packed up our apartment and moved so I could start a new job as a Residence Director. I can only give credit to the Lord for my job. I love it. It encompasses everything I love. College age women , Christ, and mentoring. Oh and Chick Fil A, because lets be honest, when they open a Chick Fil A on campus, no one is complaining! I get to spend tons of time pouring into these women, loving them, laughing with them and challenging them. It is a beautiful gift, and when I walk into my office everyday, it doesn't even feel like work. I have been reminded how grateful I am for my job and for the Lord's provision. He is so gracious to allow us to serve Him. Even going back to my sophomore year in college when I became an RA, it was only because people saw a silly college girl who loved Jesus, and believed that I could be something someday. I could'nt have even dreamed this life. Which is why God is so amazing. Which is also why I will serve the Lord all my days, because He takes care of me. He loves me, and He daily saves me from myself, and shows me His plans and His heart. He leads me to amazing places, like this job, and for all He has done, I owe him my life.


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