Wedding Weekend

This past weekend my father in law got married. It was glorious. My father in law is well off, and so it was like watching Beyonce & Jay Z getting married. Except, well George & Carol are white. Anyways. moving on. George & Carol have been together since Jonny & I started dating, and we are excited to welcome her warmly into the Tillery clan. Below are some photos from the day, enjoy! The ceremony sight was gorgeous. So many lovely flowers. The happy couple! Mr. George & Mrs. Carol Tillery! A close up of the flowers! Breathtaking. We enjoyed gorgeous flowers, lovely music, absolutely delicious food, it was an all around good time for everyone in attendance. Miss Carol (now Mrs. Carol, according to Walker) is solid gold, so we brought out all the stops to celebrate their love. Best.Day.Ever. My main squeeze, isn't he hot? My fam bam :) Walker & Shanney Let me just interject in this brief moment and share with you this ...