
Showing posts from January, 2015

Let Yourself be Flawed

2 anger noun : a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad : the feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc. : the feeling of being angry. this word. I hate it. It's one of my deepest struggles. Emotions stir inside of me and create feelings of discontent. These feelings then turn to anger. Sometimes it gets so out of control; I say things I don't mean. I crucify with my speech, and I am left in the wake of my sin. It hurts. Anger hurts. Anger, when not controlled is sin. And sin devastates and usually leaves in its path of devastation. We are left to pick up the pieces, forgive, forget even, and then move on. But anger is funny like that. Anger lingers, and usually finds its way back in sooner or l...

Others May You Cannot

About a year ago, a dear friend  Kristi shared this poem with me. It is a hard poem to read. It's a hard poem to digest. It's a hard poem to understand. Truth be told, I still have not wrapped my mind around it all. Nonetheless I love it. I cling to it on days like today. I encourage you to soak it up. Read it multiple times, and enjoy. If God has called you to be really like Jesus He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility. God’s call will put such demands of obedience on you that you will not be able to follow other people, or measure yourself by other Christians. At times, He will let other people do things which He will not let you do. Other Christians who seem very religious will push themselves, pull wires, and work schemes to carry out their plans. You cannot, and if you attempt it, you will meet with failure and rebuke from the Lord. Others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their successes, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you t...

My man turns 27

This Stud turned 27 this weekend! We celebrated just the way he wanted to; riding quads in the sand dunes. Not exactly my cup of tea, but that didn't matter since it wasn't my birthday. I love birthdays, like I LOVE THEM . I love celebrating people! When Jonny and I started dating, I went a tad over the top for his birthday, and I think it overwhelmed him a little... but he has adjusted to my craziness. I've known Jonny since he was 24. He has changed, grown, and become such an amazing man. (not that he wasn't when we met, he has just gotten... better :)) To say I love him, doesn't seem enough. I adore this man. I love his sense of humor that keeps me laughing till I cry, or sometimes pee. But we won't get into that. I love his heart for others. He loves others so selflessly, it amazes me. some of our first dates were spent with homeless people, simply so Jonny could buy them a meal and share the gospel with them. I love that he shares his life with others....

UP Women Staff Retreat

Meet the Women of University Place. Oh, and meet the mountains, lake, and the bare trees. We ventured to the mountains for a weekend retreat. We ate In'N'Out, we laughed, we talked, cried, and played lots of silly games, and recorded us playing spoons, because if we are honest my face looks like an arangatang when I am going all out for a spoon, because I am competitive like that . We also went through a thing of Oreos in about 3 minutes, because we are girls & we could.   It was glorious. Their attempt to ride the circle. I'm not quite sure what is all happening here. Clearly this bucket chair was a hit! I was called mid June and asked to apply for this job. After a few interviews and a couple hundred prayers, Jonny and I packed up our apartment and moved so I could start a new job as a Residence Director. I can only give credit to the Lord for my job. I love it. It encompasses everything I love. College age women , Christ, and men...

A Day for the Record Books

Jonny's alarm goes off faithfully at 4:45am every morning for work. The man is a saint. Best part is he loves his job. Mercy. I don't love anything at 5am. However I knew today was going to be a long day, I had meetings scheduled all day and if i wanted my lashes to see mascara, I needed to wake up around the time Jonny leaves to shower and pull myself together. Mind you, this is very uncharacteristic of me. I normally sleep till the very last moment. However, anticipation will do that to a woman. So i turned on the bath water, poured in lots of bubbles, and let the tub fill up while I threw our sheets in the washing machine.I hopped in the tub, I grabbed my phone to text Jonny a mushy gushy i love you, thanks for waking up at 5 am to work hard to provide for us.. I love you. And then it happened.  I dropped my phone in the bath tub. FOR THE LOVE. The worst part is, if you remember earlier in the story when i said I poured in bubbles? well, i couldn't see my phone!! Them ...