On Rediscovering my College Blog

The other morning around 4:30am I discovered my blog from college. I was on tumblr, looking through posts, and clicked on the home button. It took me to my posts from college. They were funny, and I realized how much I have changed, really, how much my life has changed. My posts in college were about finding a job, a husband, and what my life would look like after graduation. Its been 4 years since I graduated, and my life looks so much different than I ever thought it would. Honestly I guess thinking back to it, I thought my life would look perfect. Doesn't everyone? We make these beautiful plans for our lives. Sometimes they work out, but most times they don't. College Kelly was a hot mess. I just didn't know it then. I fully embrace it now. I fully embrace that I have no idea what in the world I am doing. There is blue paint on my freshly painted gel manicure. I've been doing some projects in my house and my office, as I am preparing for my staff to arrive in A...