
Showing posts from October, 2014


Weaknesses, I have many & they are ugly. There. I said it. Thing is, I can't shake 'em these days. My weaknesses are everywhere. In the mirror, in the workplace, in my marriage, in my family. Like I said, everywhere . It's hard to swallow. Every time something comes up that reminds me of another weakness, I am reminded, this is just the season I am in. Keyword: Season. Ya know the great thing about season's is? They change! Thank Jesus. Speaking of Jesus: we chatted this morning. He did a lot of reminding, challenging and loving me through Psalm 103 this morning. 8  The Lord is compassionate and gracious,      slow to anger, abounding in love. 9  He will not always accuse,      nor will he harbor his anger forever; 10  he does not treat us as our sins deserve      or repay us according to our iniquities. 11  For as high as the heavens are above the earth,      so great is his ...

Every Detail

I woke up early this morning. Early 5:30am. Reason you ask? My husband needed lunch for work. I hate spending money on lunch out when there is adequate  food in the fridge. I normally do this wonderful task of lunch making at night. But sometimes, sometimes we watch The million dollar arm till we fall asleep on the couch, and then we drag ourselves up the stairs. Right about the time I have gotten all cozy in my sheets, I remember. HIS LUNCH!!!  I contemplate for about 5 minutes whether I will get up and make it, or wake up when I hear the shower turn on and surprise my husband with not only lunch, but breakfast too! Now, you might be thinking, what a great wife. Well if you knew the words my heart were whispering at o-dark thirty... you would think otherwise. I sent him off at 5:50am to barely make it to work on time and I decided that my body was too awake to go back to sleep, so I put on some workout clothes, and hopped in my car to drive to a nearby mountain to walk ...

The Passenger Seat

I have expectations. I think things up in my mind of the way things should go. I think I am the only person in the world who does this. ( I know you are laughing) But I do, I do it with everything. A meeting, a date, a family vacation, a birthday party. Sometimes my expectations are that I am going to be hurt by someone attending the same event, or a family member making a sly comment. Sometimes i expect that something is going to be perfect, flawless. HA. Well I thought that this last weekend's roadtrip would be filled with meaningful conversations with my husband. Mainly because we love road trips. We love long drive's together alone in the car. We enjoy our favorite snacks, good music and lovely scenery along the way. We sometimes stop at In' n Out for a burger, because we can. This weekend we left for Fresno at prime time traffic hour in LA. I don't remember every word that was said, but somehow about an hour into our drive, we both ended up wearing our hea...