Dear Baby Tillery

When we were in Italy, I remember sitting at the steps of the Trevi Fountain. With a penny in my hand, I clenched my fist tightly, closed my eyes, and threw it into the water beside a thousand others, making a wish that I hoped would come true. Be careful what you wish for! The morning of July 9, I woke up with a stomach ache. Hoping it was my long awaited period, I quickly got up to use the restroom. I had been comforted by friends who assured me that an irregular cycle is common after coming off birth control. I had taken 4 pregancy tests in the middle of June wondering if my wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome had come true. The tests were all negative. However the morning of July 9, two little lines turned pink and changed my life forever. I screamed at first, then cried. I held my tummy and started thanking God for the precious baby already growing inside of me. I turned on worship music and blared it throughout my apartment. I cried for a good hour praising God for answering...