This Weekend

This weekend was all things hard, lovely & beautiful & though there are moments that I would go back and change, it was exactly what the Doctor ordered for this weary soul of mine. It has been a tough couple of weeks, as this entire season has been. A few bright faces showed up last week on campus, nine of them to be exact. Nine sweet, beautiful faces that are mine for the year. Nine girls who I get to love, mentor & live life with. I am beyond excited. They are sassy and fabulous and I enjoy my moments of teaching them, laughing with them and learning beside them. After a full week back at work last week, I was excited and ready for the weekend. Friday night I had to work last minute, and though it wasn't terrible, something that night generated a long time argument of Jonny & I. We went to bed upset, woke up upset and it was a mess. We argued, the volume escalated quickly. It was hard, there was some hurt on both sides, and like a normal married couple who is ra...