Growing Pains

I was laying in bed the other night with Jonny, we were fighting sleep because we were enjoying precious conversations about life & our future. While he was talking about our life together and the season we are in, he said something so beautiful, it left me speechless. "Babe, these growing pains will make us better, we are going to be okay. Growing hurts, but it is so beautiful." I just pressed my cheeks deeper into his chest and let the tears slip onto his precious body. It has been a season, ya'll. A hard season, one I will look back on with awe & wonder. Awe, at the fact that Jesus sees each of our days, that He knew what we would go through and see us through. Wonder, at how in the world we made it through. Growing hurts. I remember being a little girl and crying to my mamma late at night that my legs hurt. She would hold me and tell me even though the pain hurts, my legs are growing, which would make me taller. It meant to some small degree that I was...